Take note of the extensive list of potential Creative Arts Experiences and mediums offered found in the “Partners in Co-Creation'' document

Master Arts Educator, Meryl Juniper’s TumbleWeed Expressions ignites within an attentive, wholesome, imaginative focus of heartfelt practice, passion and play. 

Meryl brings over 4 decades of dedications within MultiMedia Arts Experiences for students of Solo, Family, InterGenerational, HomeSchool and AfterSchool programs.

She lends her lifelong keen sensitivity, innately inspired intuition and connective, constant curiosity, which allows her students to be inspired as they blossom and grow. Meryl delicately offers integrative, transformative learning activities, as she holds a calm, supportive, inclusive container for creatives to explore various mediums within an imaginative, healthy environment.

“Working with Meryl will be fertile ground for you to immerse, explore and ignite with gentle guidance and masterful teaching.”